Faithfully Drunkard
A faithful husbAnd was drunk,
he doesnt knOw what was
hapPening arOund him.. UpoN
going hOme he directLy enteReD
the roOm and slept. Morning
came, with the amaze oN his
faCe .. Everything is in ordEr, a
taBlet of asPirin and a glass of
water with a nOte .. "
gudmOrning hoNey, ill just buy
groceries. Have your breakfast! I
LOVE YOU! " :) He is woNdering
why was that so. He asked his
son .. What hapPened last
niGht? .. Your mOm should be
angry.. Son replied, " mom tried
to unclothed you buT you said, ..
" STOP! Im married! "

pacman, rainbows, and roller s